Adaptive Protection Coordination with Setting Groups Allocation

Ali Abbasi, Hossein Kazemi Karegar, Tohid Soleymani Aghdam


Abstract- Distributed Generations (DGs) plug & play operation changes the fault current levels, which results in Directional Over-Current Relay (DOCR) miss-coordination and non-optimal tripping times. Adaptive protection is a great solution to tackle the adverse effects of DGs on distribution network. Some adaptive protection coordination for all DG connection statuses requires vast communication infrastructure and equipment upgrade where the non-adaptive coordination leads to high operating time of relays. In this paper, a new adaptive protection concept is introduced as a tradeoff where the settings of some relay are adaptively changed based on its neighborhood DGs connection. The number of Settings Groups (SGs) of each DOCR are found by calculating the proposed sensitivity matrix. The SGs are only added in relays experiencing the high changes in short circuit levels. The proposed method is simulated on IEEE-30 Bus and the results indicate the capability of the proposed method in efficient and optimum design of adaptive protection schemes with proper SGs allocation.


Protection Coordination; Adaptive Protection; Distribution Network; Distributed Generation; Setting Groups; Sensitivity; plug & play.

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