Evaluation of energy yield ratio (EYR), energy payback period (EPBP) and GHG-emission mitigation of solar home lighting PV-systems of 37Wp modules in India

BHUPENDRA SINGH RAWAT, Poonam Negi, P. C. Pant, G. C. Joshi


An attempt has been made to find the energetic feasibility of solar photovoltaic home lighting systems (SPVHLS) for some locations in India. In this perspective modules of 37Wp of different technologies have been adopted. The study has been divided in three parts viz. (1) a general discussion on replacing PV-systems with frequently used conventional fuel devices. (2) Comparison of PV-systems with diesel generator and (3) Evaluation of GHG-emission mitigation for some conventionally fuel devices. The process analysis method has been adopted to evaluate total embodied energy. Output energy/energy saved was calculated by the comparison of these systems with conventionally used devices and with diesel generator. For feasibility analysis of these systems, energy yield ratio (EYR) and energy payback period (EPBP) have been evaluated. The EYR value of 2 years and EPBP value of 11 years have been found approximately in case of wick lamp. However, with diesel generator, EPBP value has been found approximately 4 years. GHG-emission mitigation (tCO2) of 934 was found in case of kerosene lantern and 41551, 76350 for diesel oil and Kerosene oil operated Generator respectively.  


energy yield ratio; energy payback period; process analysis method.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i1.6889.g7321


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