Optimum Extraction of Algae-oil from Microalgae using Hydrodynamic Cavitation
Abstract - The production of microalgae biodiesel is one solution to solve the energy problem in the future, especially in the transportation sector. Some advantages of the development of the production of biodiesel from microalgae is high productivity, food security friendly and global warming problem-solving . The main problem in the production of microalgae biodiesel is the high production cost due to the high cost of lipid extraction. Several studies have been conducted to find a low cost extraction process. In this research, the Nannochloropsis sp. microalgae lipid extraction utilizing hydrodynamic cavitation has been studied. Effects of the concentration of solids, specific energy and time on the extraction have been examined. The study was conducted in a batch with a combined solvent of methanol and hexane. The influence of specific energy given at the same level of cavitation of increasing specific energy would increase the yield where it would be higher at the beginning and remain stable at the end of the process. At the same specific energy and level of cavitation, the value of concentration that provides the lowest extraction energy requirement was 0.105 g/g. The optimum of cavitation levels for the same specific energy and concentration at the value of cavitation number was 0.126. The optimum temperature for the extraction process was 42°C. The  lowest extraction energy requirement was 16.743 MJ/kg lipid.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i1.6887.g7320
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Publisher: Gazi University
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