A Comprehensive Review on the Effect of Nano Metallic Additives on Fuel Properties, Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics
Biodiesel is one of the promising substitute source of energy fuel in the transportation sector due to rapid depletion of petroleum reserves on one side and increased energy demand as well as environmental pollution hazards on the other side. In this article, a comprehensive review is conducted highlighting the various available edible as well as non-edible vegetable feed stocks for biodiesel production, metal based additives along with the variations in physio-chemical properties, and its effect on performance and emission aspects. The influence of nano-metallic additives like Al2O3, CNT, CeO3, ZnO2, TiO2, CoO2, CuO, FeO2, and others with respect to properties, performance and emission were analyzed in detail. Selective and critically archived articles are considered for this review. Based on this review, it is very clear that non-edible oil based biodiesel are one of the best source of energy. The addition of nano-metallic additives to the biodiesel through various forms significantly improves the properties and it contributes to enhanced performance with reduced emissions.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v7i2.5678.g7064
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