Study of the energy performance of a PEM fuel cell vehicle

brahim mebarki, Boumediène Allaoua, Belkacem Draoui, Djamel Belatrache


This paper presents the Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC).If the need of the individual transport is growing; the methods proposed are strongly questioned by the society. Emissions from combustion engines are accused of contributing to global warming and air pollution. In addition, the oil resources are finite while demand increases inevitably based on economic growth (31% of global energy consumption for transportation sector). So, an alternative to the combustion engine becomes essential. The hybrid fuel cell vehicle represents one of the alternatives solutions. The present work is a numerical simulation of the energy performance of a PEMFC fuel cell vehicle rolling on a driving reference cycle (FTP cycle). The simulations are conducted and performed with the ADVISOR simulation tool using the MATLAB environment. The results concerning the battery power, fuel cell power and the thermal state of the battery show a very candidate of this vehicle to replace the conventional engine.


Transport, fuel cell, PEMFC, batteries; fuel cell hybrid vehicle; simulation; ADVISOR

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Publisher: Gazi University

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