Microgeneration Impact on LV Distribution Grids: A Review of Recent Research on Overvoltage Mitigation Techniques

António Manzoni, Rui Castro


Nowadays, due to the increasing rate of microgeneration penetration in Low Voltage distribution networks, overvoltage and power quality issues are more likely to occur in a more and more bidirectional operating grid. This paper offers a recent review on the main techniques available to mitigate and regulate feeder voltage profile, such as, PV generation active curtailment, reactive power support, On-Load Tap Changer transformers, or even recurring to Battery Energy Storage systems. Whenever possible, published results in real and test Low Voltage grids are called to support each given example.


Overvoltage mitigation techniques; PV curtailment; Reactive power support; OLTC transformers; Battery Energy Storage

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v6i1.3192.g6766


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