Comprehensive Analytical and Experimental Analysis of a Self Excited Induction Generator for Renewable Energy Application

Mohd. Faisal Khan, Dr. Mohd Rizwan Khan


Self excited induction generators have attracted a lot of interest from the researchers in recent past. The main focus in this regard has been on modeling techniques and their verification. Such analyses are invariably restricted exclusively either to dynamic or steady state characteristic evaluation. The objective of this paper is to highlight the operational features of self excited induction generators through detailed experimental results. For analytical verification steady state and dynamic models are implemented through symbolic programming and Simulink modeling approaches respectively. Diverse set of static loads of different power factors as well as dynamic loading is employed to carry out power quality analysis of SEIG on a Fluke 435 II power quality and energy analyzer to conclude the paper. The tests are carried out on an open stator winding, squirrel caged induction motor operated as SEIG


self excited induction generator; steady state; dynamic; variable power factor; dynamic load.

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Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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