Etching, Evaporated Contacts and Antireflection Coating on Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cell

Ali Ibrahim, A.A. El-Amin


This work has focuses on the development of a simple and low cost alternative to these deposited coatings (ARC) , through the use of an electrochemical etching technique to form AR layers of silicon (mc-Si). This is considered as the proper etching process for mc-Si. Also, silicon oxide (SiO) and titanium oxide (TiO2) coatings have been used to reduce the reflection losses from silicon solar cells. More than 20.6% enhancement in the short circuit current has been demonstrated in the polished cells using evaporated SiO antireflection coating. Additionally more than 12% enhancement in the short circuit current has been observed after TiO2 antireflection coating. The output current is found almost directly proportional to light intensity.


ARC; electrochemical etching technique; multicrystalline Silicon Solar cell; reflection losses; polished cells.

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