Exploring of Biomass Energy Specific to Turkey and on a Global Scale

Ahmet Emin Senturk


In this study, the potential of biomass energy in Turkey and on a global scale, production and usage amounts, the status of biomass power plants, current problems, the importance of forest-based biomass energy in terms of renewable energy and successful country examples in forest and energy relations are examined in detail. Especially the biomass energy potential of the Central Anatolia region of Turkey is over 8 billion kWh. However, annual bioethanol and biodiesel production amounts are low in Turkey. Moss with high energy density is an important biomass energy source candidate for Turkey, which is surrounded by seas on three sides. New factories to be established in the southeastern part of the Marmara region, which has a high biomass energy potential, should be established in regions with low energy potential. Contrary to EU countries, heat generation from urban waste has started in Turkey since 2015. Therefore, the waste collection approach should be expanded. As in the example of UK, the importance of determining the necessary incentives in Turkey's energy crop cultivation has been demonstrated. Within the scope of forestry activities in Turkey, 25% of the forest-derived material remains in the forest. In this study, the importance of converting this material into biogas or evaluating it as wood pellets was emphasized. This study will make a positive contribution to the increase of domestic production in Turkey, to provide cheaper energy supply, to reduce dependency on foreign countries in energy demand, to increase employment, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint.


Renewable Energy, Biomass Energy, Forest, Organic Waste

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v13i3.14085.g8790


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