Comparative Switching and Conduction Loss Analysis of a SVPWM and DPWM based DTC of Open End Winding Induction Motor Drive
Direct Torque Control (DTC) of induction motor
fed by a Multi-Level Inverter (MLI) has better dynamic
performance. MLIs reduce switching device stress and allow
devices with low voltage ratings to be used in medium and high
voltage drives with high dc link voltage. The MLI system based
on dual inverters has gained prominence since each inverter
operates as a two-level inverter. This work implements an
improvised loss analysis for a DTC control based three level
dual inverter fed Open End Winding Induction Motor
(OEWIM) drive. The conversion efficiency of an inverter is
measured by switching and conduction losses. High junction
temperatures and, as a result, device failure is also caused by
these losses. The lower the switching and conduction losses
lower the conversion efficiency. As a result, it is vital to
quantify these losses in order to ensure the safe operation of
the switching devices. These losses are mostly determined by
the sort of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method utilized to
generate the pulse pattern. Comparative loss analysis is studied
for Decoupled and Alternate Inverter Switching (AIS) based
Space Vector PWM (SVPWM) and Discontinuous PWM
(DPWM) schemes as a function of modulation index.
Therefore, a specific PWM scheme can be chosen for safe
operation of the switching device is concerned.
Full Text:
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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