A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based GPSO PR Controller for Minimization of Steady State Errors and Harmonics in Standalone Wind and Solar PV Hybrid System

G. N. S. Vaibhav, B. S. Srikanthan


Standalone or off-grid electricity system requires continuous, sustainable and reliable power supply. To address this challenge, a hybrid renewable energy system that includes wind and solar energy sources are combined to achieve better system efficiency as well as improved balance in energy supply. To provide a constant output irrespective of energy fluctuations a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) needs to be incorporated in the stand- alone system. However, power conversion and power management in standalone hybrid renewable energy system are not free from harmonics and steady state errors. Hence an energy management system with a controller has to be designed to reduce the harmonics, steady state errors and as well as to provide a constant output voltage. A novel fuzzy logic based GPSO (genetic particle swarm optimization) PR (proportional resonant) controller for hybrid wind and solar generation system is proposed in this paper and a comparative analysis is effectively done to calculate the performance of Fuzzy GPSO based PR controller with fuzzy logic-based PI & PR controllers where steady state errors and harmonics under different load circumstances are considered. The proposed standalone hybrid renewable energy system design and modeling is experimented in MATLAB/SIMULINK to validate the authenticity of results.


Solar Power, Wind Power, Hybrid Renewable Energy System, Standalone Loads, PI & PR controller, Fuzzy Logic, Particle Swarm Optimization, Steady State Errors, Harmonics, Simulation

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i4.13426.g8564


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