Integrated management tool for the promotion of energy renovation on an urban scale
Going beyond the building scale, energy renovation at the urban scale seems very complex and costly, requiring enormous time and effort. In this research, we will expand the reflection to the urban scale, since it is clear that the future environmental challenges will be solved at multiple spatial scales (building, block, district, city, region). To properly conduct energy renovation projects on a large scale, calculating energy needs is a vital starting point for diagnosing the existing state, comparing the energy scenarios, and simulating the future state of the building stock. This article seeks to present a GIS tool called “OGI-GeoRen” that is based on the spatialization of the simplified method of the NM ISO 13790 standard in a GIS cartographic environment. The tool allows the simulation of many buildings at the same time as well as the spatial evaluation of heating and cooling energy needs at the urban scale with reasonable accuracy and computation time. To demonstrate its feasibility and robustness, a case study was held in a district of 1219 buildings in a Moroccan context. The uncertainty analysis through the calculation of the indexes of the standard ASHRAE 14 has returned acceptable values of CV (RMSE) <= ± 4% and MBE <= 2.65%; this shows that the “OGI-GeoRen” tool has a satisfactory level of reliability for the prediction of buildings energy needs in comparison to the software BINAYATE, which could be very useful for urban energy efficiency projects at multiple spatial scales, such as urban energy planning for eco-districts and eco-cities.
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