Recent Trends in Lithium-Ion Battery – A Critical Review

Kapilan Natesan, Sadashiva Prabhu S


The usage of conventional energy sources leads to global warming and environmental degradation. Hence, there is a great demand for renewable energy sources. Further, there is a severe threat to non-renewable energy sources and their supply. Nowadays, electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles are used to replace conventional vehicles to avoid these problems. Batteries are used to store energy, and the stored energy is supplied. Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) are used for many applications as they have increased specific energy, longer life cycle and lower auto discharge. The performance of the batteries is improved by introducing novel materials for the electrodes and electrolytes. The working principle of this type of battery is based on an electrochemical reaction that releases heat during charging and discharging. However, this type of battery is susceptible to high temperatures and hence new technologies are developed for effective cooling and better performance of the batteries. This paper critically reviews various types of batteries, usage, novel materials for electrodes, battery cooling technologies, recent trends, future research and recommendations.


Renewable energy, energy storage, battery, lithium-ion battery, materials,cooling

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