Maximum Power Point Tracking for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator based Wind Park Application
The world's energy consumption is constantly growing, and conventional energy sources may soon be depleted. Wind energy is one such discovered new energy source that is abundant and renewable. However, induction generators require large excitation capacitors and bi-directional power flow controllers. Permanent magnet synchronous generators are now more appropriate for variable speed Direct Driven Wind Power Conversion Systems (DDWPCS). Earlier, three-stage power conversion for variable ac voltage was done. To reduce this power conversion stages and to overcome the limitations of conventional systems, the Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) based Direct Drive Wind Energy Conversion Systems (DDWECS) is introduced. Mathematical modeling equations are derived for various operating modes of operation using ZSI. In the proposed method Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) & Modified SVPWM (MSVPWM) methods were compared for shoot through period placement, voltage gain, and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The MSVPWM places the shoot through period faster and also it reduces input current THD by 3.6% and output voltage THD by 7.8%. Also, this adds a PWM controller to suppress 3rd order harmonics. To validate the proposed ZSI, simulation is carried in MATLAB and the results tabulated.
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