Optimized Power Management Control Scheme for Transportation System Electrified with High Voltage DC Microgrid
Use of nonconventional energy sources for traction applications are reliable solution to promote green environment. In this paper Wind plant, Fuel cell in addition with super capacitor and battery bank are used for reliable operation. The energy storage system is integrated with the grid by means of DC-DC Bidirectional converter topology. Overall configuration gives dynamic management of power implied with nonlinear controller is proposed. SMCC is the most promising controller among the different nonlinear current controllers due to the capability of direct calculation of required converter control voltage. Hence without using synchronous coordinate transformation, adopted controller stop the errors in the static frame of reference and manage the power dynamically over all microgrid participants. Finally, plenary results are obtained through simulation, The suggested control scheme's real-time performance is evaluated using a hardware test bench setup using a SPARTAN 6 FPGA kit.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i1.12793.g8427
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