Simulation and Experimental Validation for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy-Based Li-ion Battery Model

Hajar DOUBABI, Abderrahim EZZARA, Issam SALHI


The significant growth in electric vehicles use has increased the demand for lithium-ion batteries. Battery modeling is vital for optimal and safe usage of batteries. In this paper, a novel battery model based on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy has been proposed. It has been demonstrated that the battery behavior is strongly dependent on its state of charge (SoC). As a result, the developed model takes into account the SoC effect, which can significantly improve the model accuracy. Simulation and experimental tests validated the pertinence of the proposed model. It has been also shown that the estimated battery internal voltage is identical to the experimental ones with a low root-mean-square error under different operating conditions. Overall, a model with high accuracy and reasonable computational time of a lithium-ion battery is created.


Lithium-ion battery; Battery modeling; Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy; State of charge; Equivalent circuit model

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