Reduced-order modelling of switched/inductor- capacitor based high gain converter for fuel cell application

Divya Navamani, P. Sumathy, A. Lavanya


Many state variables are resulted from a high gain power converter due to the presence of many passive components to describe the dynamic system. This results in complex higher order differential equations. To achieve the objective of designing the controller for the power converter with reduced time and in ease, the necessity of order reduction of the system. This paper presents the pole clustering technique for high gain converter to obtain a reduced order for the polynomial of the model, in terms of simple mathematical calculation. The characteristics of the higher order system are presented and it remains the same obtained from the reduced order system. Before carrying out the reduced order model, it is necessary to derive the transfer function of the converter. The derivation of small signal open loop model of suggested high gain power converter is carried out by applying switching flow graph with Mason’s gain formula. MATLAB simulation results are also presented to aid the sustainability of investigation. Finally, the experimental results of the selected high gain converter are presented for validation.

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