Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Energy Systems Based on Multidirectional Search Optimization Algorithm

Ruben Zieba Falama, Sundet Gamzat, Hamadou Bakari, Abdouramani Dadjé, Virgil Dumbrava, Saida Makloufi, Fridolin Tchangnwa


This paper presents a method to track the maximum power point (MPP) of photovoltaic systems. This method is based on the Multidirectional Search optimization algorithm (MDS). The method has been implemented by creating a code using MATLAB software. The command of the PV system is based on a voltage mode control using a PID controller, and the output optimized voltage of the PV generator by the MDS algorithm is used as reference voltage. The PV system has been modeled in MATLAB/Simulink to test the performance of the proposed method in tracking the maximum power point. A comparative study has been done in one side between the proposed MDS method and the Perturb and Observe method, and in another side between the MDS method and the Incremental Conductance method.  The obtained results prove that the MDS method is more rapid and stable than Perturb and Observe and Incremental Conductance techniques regarding the tracking of the maximum power point.


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