A Sequence Rules Analysis on Active and Passive LCL filter for Three-Phase Inverter-Grid Connection for Damping Stability Consideration

ronald jackson, shamsul aizam zulkifli, suriana salimin


This paper delivers steps on sequence analysis of the internal damping stability, which complies with a systematic design methodology for the LCL-type filter for the inverter-grid system. The use of the power inverter is significantly vital to transfer the energy from renewable energy sources to the existing electrical grid. Therefore, it is essential to model a non-response LCL-filter parameters value that not compromise the filter effectiveness and provides pure current waveform for a harmonic reduction before the current been injected to the grid. At the same time, LCL filter also must have stable damping performance that able to attenuate the high resonance peak and simultaneously offer better high-frequencies attenuation ability. To verify the selected inductor and capacitor in LCL, a passive and actively damping analysis methods are comparatively studied. In the end, the simulation results show significant evidence that by following each sequence steps provided in this paper for modelling and selection of vulnerable coefficient for LCL has been verified through a MATLAB/Simulink software platform which given a better signal current output, maintaining the cutoff frequency signal and reducing the Total Harmonics Distortions (THD) below the IEEE Standard


LCL filter, passive, active, internal damping, stability

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v10i3.10748.g8034


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