Calculation of Value of Lost Load With a New Approach Based on Time and Its Effect on Energy Planning in Power Systems

Mehmet Rıda TÜR


Stable developments in the competition and liberalization of the electricity market have necessitated the need for up-to-date policies in electricity planning and made it necessary to consider some economic costs in addition to generation costs in power plants. Among these economic costs, the socio-economic parameters are taken into consideration and the lost power value is defined as the cost of lost electricity or the lost load value defined as the cost and the value obtained as a result of multiplying the expected energy. The value of lost load is a useful value for planning about the cost of the total capacity of the power supplies. Regarding payments and suppliers made by customers, the marginal price of the system cannot be clearly stated, and it is very difficult to obtain the lost value, which is very important for developed and developing countries. In general, it refers to the monetary value of losses in electricity supply as a result of interruptions in all segments of electrical energy systems. As a result, the lost load value can be considered as a useful variable to measure one of the dimensions of energy supply security in the energy sector in a country, temporarily. In this study, the seasonal lost load value for the power system is obtained by using an innovative method for the national power system. In addition, it is argued that these values change periodically as well as consumer-based, not as a single parameter for countries.


power systems economy; electricity market; socio-economic parameters; value of lost load; expected energy not served

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