Development of Jackfruit Peel Waste as Biomass Energy: Case study for traditional food center in Yogyakarta

Yuli Pratiwi, Joko Waluyo, Wira Widyawidura, Muhammad Noviansyah Aridito


Gudeg is the most famous traditional food in Yogyakarta, Indonesia whose raw materials are jackfruit. It produces the jackfruit peel waste that causing the problems in increasing waste generation in landfills. This study aims to examine the potential of jackfruit skin waste to become waste-to-energy in the form of charcoal briquettes through pyrolysis process. The method used is through the determination of waste generation data and fuel requirements for serving food in this traditional food central area. The researchers then conducted a proximate test on jackfruit peel waste (raw material) and jackfruit charcoal briquette products with sizes 40, 60, 80 mesh, and conducted thermal efficiency tests of micro gasification furnaces fuelled by briquette products and compared them to commonly used fuels.  The results show that from the gudeg food centre area in Yogyakarta, produce an average of 66.27 kg/day of jackfruit peel waste and that waste has the potential to be charcoal briquettes as much as 17.11 kg. Meanwhile, briquettes product using 80 mesh of jackfruit peel charcoal have the HHV of 5404 kcal/kg and have fulfilled the briquette heating value based on the Indonesian national standard No 1/6235/2000. The results of the thermal efficiency of the micro gasification stove show that the performance of this 80 mesh charcoal briquette is almost same as regular charcoal and firewood (dry based) so that the briquette has the potential as an implementation of the development of waste to energy for its own energy consumption in the traditional food centre.


jackfruit peel waste; charcoal briquettes; pyrolysis; thermal properties; traditional food center

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