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Martinez, David (New Zealand)
Martinez, Luciana, Federal University Of Bahia (Brazil)
Martins, J. F., Department of Electrical Engineering and CTS/UNINOVA, FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
Marus, Oleh, Department of tractors, automobiles and bioenergy resources, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Marus, Oleh, National University of Life and environmental sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Maruta, Hidenori, Nagasaki University (Japan)
Maruta, Hidenori, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University
Maruta, Hidenori, Information Media Center, Nagasaki University (Japan)
Marwaha, Bhanu M, Department of Architecture, NIT Hamirpur, India, Pin code- 177005 (India)
Maryanto, Sukir, Bravwijaya Volcano and Geothermal Research Center, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Masih, Animesh, SGSITS (India)
Masmoudi, Abdelkarim, National Engineering School of Sfax (Tunisia)
Masmoudi, Ahmed, Research Unit on Renewable Energies and Electric Vehicles, National Engineering School of Sfax (Tunisia)
Masmoudi, Ahmet, Research Unit on Renewable Energies and Electric Vehicles University of Sfax, Sfax Engineering School (Tunisia)
Masmoudi, Ferdaous
Masoumi Kazraji, Saeed (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Masri, Thelaha
Masruri, Wildan, Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Massaq, Zakaria
Massaq, Zakaria, Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Beni Mellal, 23000, Morocco (Morocco)
Masud, Abdullahi, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, Jubail Industrial College, KSA (Saudi Arabia)
Masum, Md. Shah, Islamic University of Technology (Bangladesh)
Mat, Sohif bin, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)
Mat, Sohif Bin, Solar Energy Research Institute, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Matam, Sailaja Kumari, NIT Warangal, Warangal, Telangana State, India (India)
Matam, Sailaja Kumari, Associate Professor (India)
Math, M C, Visvesvaraya Technological University (India)
Math, M C, Visvesvaraya Technological University
MATHA, Gadaram MEERI, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, A.P, India (India)
Mathiazhagan, P. (India)
Matin, M. A. (Bangladesh)
Matin, M. A., Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong-4349, Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
Matin, M.A., Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chattogram-4349, Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
Matin, Mohammad
Matsui, Nobumasa
Matsui, Nobumasa, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science (Japan)
Matuampunwong, D. (Thailand)
Matveev, Andrey, Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (Russian Federation)
Maubana, Wenti W (Indonesia)
Maurya, Ajay Kumar, Gautam Buddha University, Gr. Noida (India)
Mavrotas, George, National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
Mawloud, TITAH, Department of Industrial Engineering, Laboratory of Automation and Manufacturing, University Batna 2, 05 avenue Chahid Boukhlouf 05000 Batna, Algeria (Algeria)
Maya Yescas, Rafael, Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Mexico)
Mayouf, Omar Moftah (Tunisia)
Mazozi, Imane
Mazumder, Gour Chand, Researcher, Institute of Energy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
Mbamalu, George A.N, Saint Mary's University, Engineering Division (Canada)
McCay, Mary, Florida Institute of Technology (United States)
McCrory, John Patrick, Cardiff University School of Engineering, Wales, UK (United Kingdom)

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