A Comprehensive Review on Maximum Power Tracking of a Photovoltaic System under Partial Shading Conditions

Rajesh Kumar Patjoshi, Venkata Ratnam Kolluru, Rakhee Panigrahi


This paper presents a comprehensive review on the different methodologies of a Photovoltaic (PV) system under Partial Shading Conditions (PSC) which improves the output voltage and power. Numerous publications report on PV regarding power improvements and its implementation. But, confusion arises while selecting a methodology that performs under all climatic situations. Therefore, an indispensable review of PSC techniques is considered, which is based upon maximum power point tracking (MPPT) at Standard Test Conditions (STC). These MPPT techniques can track the Global Peak (GP) at PSC. Extensive research has been explored in this field and many techniques have been reported. In this paper, a detailed narration and classification on different techniques of PV at PSC have been made in terms of control variables, structure and circuitry used in practical and commercial applications.


Global Peak ; Maximum Power Pont Tracking ; Partial Shading Conditions ; Photovoltaic system

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v9i1.8831.g7575


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