Building a friendly Environment for Renewable Energy Resources by Upgrading Primary Feeders from Normally Closed Loop to Mesh Arrangement

Tsai-Hsiang Chen, En-Hsiao Lin, Nien-Che Yang, Ting-Yen Hsieh


In this paper, the upgrades and expansions of primary feeders from normally closed loop to a mesh arrangement have been explored for building a friendly environment for renewable energy resources. First of all, the effects of the interconnection of distributed renewable energy resources (DER) on a meshed distribution network under normal and abnormal operation conditions were investigated. Then, the feasible connection schemes for addition of new feeders and the degree of improvement of voltage deviations along feeders under various operation conditions were analyzed and compared, followed by a concise discussion and conclusion. The research results are of value for building a friendly environment for DER to reduce CO2 emissions and lessen power transmission and distribution losses.


Distributed renewable energy resources (DER); primary feeder; normally closed loop; mesh arrangement; voltage deviations.

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