Study and Analysis of Performance of 3-Phase Shunt Active Filter in Grid-tied PV-Fuel Cell System Employing Sinusoidal Current Control Strategy
This paper describes about mitigation of power quality issues using Shunt active filter in a Grid connected hybrid energy system consisting of PV-Battery-Fuel Cell. The Shunt active filter control is based on Sinusoidal Current Control Strategy. Shunt Active Power Filters (ShAPF) is implemented in the hybrid systems to mitigate the harmonic current component as well as to recompense the imaginary or reactive power owing to their exact and reckless operation.
Sinusoidal current based controller used in a ShAPF has been focused over here. Sinusoidal current control strategy is utilized to extricate sinusoidal current commencing from the source. The sinusoidal Currents in addition with a stout synchronizing circuit (Phase Locked Loop or PLL circuit), custom a brief controller meant for ShAPF which is precise by a sinusoidal current control based controller in order to perform like a harmonic isolator amid supply and load. Action of the ShAPF under passive load conditions using non-linear load, the performance of the sinusoidal current control technique is evaluated using MATLAB R2016a. MATLAB simulation results validate the efficiency of the power filter system to mitigate harmonic, it also offered to validate the control strategy. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of voltage as well as of current determines the practical feasibility of controller designed for ShAPF to deliver a harmonic separation of passive loads.
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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