Automatic Generation Contol Including Solar Themal Power Generation with Fuzzy-PID controller with Derivative Filter

Manoj Kumar Debnath, Sayantan Sinha, Ranjan Kumar Mallick


The proposed research article presents an optimum Fuzzy-PID controller with a derivative filter to stabilize the frequency in a unified power system which includes renewable sources of energy like solar thermal power generating units. The scrutinized system consist of two area unified power system where each area is consisting of a thermal unit with reheat turbine and a solar thermal unit. The automatic generation control is exercised in each area with the help of two distinct Fuzzy-PIDF controllers. A novel optimization method named the Grey Wolf Optimizer is applied for optimizing the   coefficients of the proposed fuzzy-PIDF controller. A time dependent objective function (Integral Time Absolute Error) has been employed in this case as fitness function. Different controllers such as PID, Fuzzy-PID and Fuzzy-PIDF are used to stabilize the frequency oscillation as well as tie-line power variation in the multi-area system subject to a disturbance of 0.01 p.u. in the system. The efficacy of the recommended Fuzzy-PIDF controller is also  established in view of various time domain specifications like minimum undershoots, settling time and maximum overshoots. To check the robustness and sensitiveness of the controller, the system is subjected to random loading and parameter variations.


Fuzzy Logic Controller; Solar Energy; Grey Wolf Optimization; Automatic generation control; Fuzzy-PIDF Controller.

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