A Cooperative Dispatch Model for the Coordination of the Wind and Pumped-storage Generating Companies in the Day-ahead Electricity ‎Market

Jalal Moradi, Hossein Shahinzadeh, Amirsalar Khandan


Wind energy has generally intermittent and stochastic nature. In this regard, it is more desirable for both system and wind units' owners to operate in coordination with an energy storage unit to obtain some benefits. In this paper, the influence of coordination of wind units and pumped storage (PS) power plants, which is the most common type of large scale energy storage, is investigated. Nowadays, regard to incremental penetration of sources of uncertainty in power systems, construction of large-scale storage units which compensates and redresses probable curtailments and imbalances has assumed more importance. The independent system operator (ISO) requires a powerful intelligent calculational tool to optimize operation costs while clearing day-ahead market and determining hourly generation schedule. This tool can help the ISO to analyze advantages and disadvantages of coordination. The coordinated operation can help the wind units to increase their penetration and consequently their profit. The conclusions of numerical simulation clearly show the benefits of the presence of a storage unit in power system. It has been proved that coordination can decrease the market clearing price (MCP). It also diminishes commitment of expensive generating units while satisfying peak loads and decreases the generation cost of thermal units. In addition, the participation of an energy storage unit decreases the risk of commitment of wind units in the competitive wholesale electricity market.


Coordination; Day-ahead market; Dispatchability; profitability; Unit commitment; Artificial neural ‎network;

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v7i4.6405.g7253


Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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