The impact of Active Distribution Network Cell (ADNC) on Power System Oscillations

Khaled Alawasa, Hend Alawasa,


Introducing distributed generators (DGs) into power system has changed the distribution system configuration and shape. Nowadays, distribution systems are no longer passive systems. DGs installed within the distribution system can inject active and reactive power to the grid and change the system dynamics. Adding DGs to the passive cell that consist of different types of loads has formed a new terminology; Active Distribution Network Cell (ADNC), might impose some problems to the power system stability, such as the system oscillations and damping. This paper analyzes and quantifies the impact of (ADNC) on the power system oscillations.

The well-known Two-Area System benchmark is adopted in this paper. The system simulations are conducted using MATLAB/Simulink software and power system analysis toolbox (PSAT). It is found that passive cell reduce the system damping and may cause system instability. By utilization the capability of the converter-based DG, as a part of ADNC, it is shown that back-to-back voltage-sourced converters synchronous generator-based (VSC-SG) can be used to maintain system stability by providing a certain level of damping through modulating its active or reactive output power. Two damping methods using active and reactive fast functionality of ADNC namely; P-method and Q-method has been proposed and verified.


Active Distribution Network Cell (ADNC), back-to-back voltage source converter, system damping , inter-area oscillation mode, power system stabilizer, system oscillation, time domain simulation

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