Power flow analysis incorporating renewable energy sources and FACTS devices

Suresh Velamuri, S. Sreejith


This paper focuses on impact of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind on power flow control. The performance analysis of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices namely SVC and TCSC in steady state power flow control without and with renewable energy sources are studied.  Impact of renewable energy sources on thermal generating units and reduction in losses are discussed. Application of FACTS devices in a power system network is an efficient way for the control and transfer of bulk power for long distances.  The performance of SVC and TCSC for reactive power injection, real power flow, power loss and voltage improvement are analyzed. Effective utilization of existing transmission line for the transfer of bulk power is demonstrated. The performance of FACTS devices during single line contingency is also analysed. The ability of SVC and TCSC to control power flow under various loading conditions and the modes of operation are discussed. Modelling of solar and wind farms is done using beta and weibull distribution functions respectively. SVC and TCSC are modelled using Variable Reactance modelling and are then incorporated into the existing Newton Raphson load flow algorithm. Numerical results on a benchmark 5 bus test system are presented.


FACTS; SVC; TCSC; Solar; Wind; beta distribution; weibull distribution

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v7i1.5074.g7019


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Publisher: Gazi University

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