Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission of Diesel Engine Fuelled With Preheated Jatropha Biodiesel and Its Blends With Ethanol

Shiyasharan Patel, Dr. Nitin Shrivastava


     As the cost of petroleum fuel is rising swiftly day by day. Here is a rising demand for research for sustainable atmosphere gracious and cost effectual alternate fuel. Conventional fuel like diesel is replaced with alternative fuel because of these fuels an economically, attractive and renewable. Bio-diesel fuel is pure combustion diesel fuel replacement, and has a few attractive properties such as biodegradability, renewability, comparable performance as well as low emission.  The bio-diesel viscosity is higher than diesel fuel. In the current investigation is to reduce the bio-diesel viscosity by pre-heating. In this experimental analysis diesel fuel, jatropha bio-diesel, preheated jatropha bio-diesel, pre-heated jatropha bio-diesel (80%)-ethanol (20%) fuels are tested. Experiment has been performed on the basis of constant revaluation per minute and studied the engine is taken as diesel engines tested on different loading condition.The experimental analysis is based on a performance parameters like brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency as well as an investigation the exhaust emission, where engines are fuelled with preheated jatropha bio-diesel and ethanol blending in the ratio of 80% and 20% respectively. This research paper is based on comparison of different fuels with respect to the diesel is taken as reference fuel. Eventually it is concluded that BTE decreases slightly whereas BSFC increases as the engine fuelled with PJBD80E20 as compare to neat diesel fuel at different load conditions.In the same testing condition, a slight decrease in CO and HC emission and significant reduction in NOx emission were observed, however, there is a slight increase in smoke emission was observed as compare to diesel fuel. 


Diesel engine, preheating, Jatropha bio-diesel, Ethanol, Performance, Emission.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v6i4.4744.g6937


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