A Review of the State of the Art Control Techniques for Wind Energy Conversion System

Mazhar Hussain Baloch, Jie Wang, Ghulam Sarwar Kaloi


Alternative energy sources have become a necessity for the socio-economic growth of a country; fossil fuels are declining and by increasing the power demand, the world is on the edge of a global energy crisis. Furthermore, due to the widespread use of traditional energy sources, this creates pollution and global warming effects on the environment. In the light of this, renewable energy such as the wind and solar energy are highly significant and viable solution in order to fulfil power demand, due to its low operating costs and available in bulk quantities which make it exploitation beneficial for the development of any country. Besides that, for over the past decades, the researchers have been working on this enormous challenge. In this review article, we put forward a wide-ranging and significant research conducted on the state of the art control methodologies for wind energy systems. Therefore, author’s main aim is to ensure up-to-date knowledge of wind energy control techniques for the research community and can be considered for future directions. In the available literature, we have summarized numerous wind turbine control techniques with their performance. Furthermore, prospective future advancements and gaps have also been examined comprehensively, and omissions of other researchers are purely unintentional.


Controller technique, wind energy conversion systems, wind turbine generators.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v6i4.4484.g6917


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Publisher: Gazi University

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