Study of the GaN Semiconductor Effect as a thin First layer of a Two Layers Solar Cell without Diffusion Doping Technique

Dario Amaya, Juan Manuel Sánchez, Olga Lucia Ramos


The XXI century came with a lot of technological advances, being most of them productive and helpful in the human life, looking for deeply there is a huge problem that the population and the planet inherited from XIX and XX centuries and is called global warming, now in this century that issue is affecting the whole planet in many different ways. One of the solutions to this problem is to eliminate our fossil fuel dependency changing it for a sustainable and clean way as are the renewable energies, and most of it the solar one, considered as the greatest one. Which through Solar cells, it is possible to capture and converting it into electricity, but nowadays the conversion efficiency is around 15%, lowering its attractiveness and its options as a way to replace the actual energy sources like fossil fuels, that is why different studies have been performed in order to increase this efficiency by modifying the physicochemical structure of the semiconductors used in a Solar cell among other techniques that in general the main purpose is to capture and convert more solar energy and decrease the different losses in the conversion process inside the cell. In this paper a deep study it is performed of the Gallium nitride (GaN) layer Effect in a Two Layers Solar Cell based on Aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs), Silicon (Si) and Indium phosphide (Inp) semiconductors, with the aim of replacing the diffusion doping process with the proposed scheme of solar cell, which presents different advantages as is going to be observed along this study.


Diffusion Doping; Solar Cells; Tandem Cell; PC1D; Gallium Nitride; Energetic Efficiency

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Publisher: Gazi University

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