A Study on the Effect of the Complexing Agent on Particle Size of CBD Deposited CdS Layer

Sthitadhi Das, Prashant Misra, Vignesh G, Anand Upadhyay, Nikhil Aggarwal


In this study dependence of CdS particle size is shown on two complexing agents i.e. TEA (Tri ethanol amine) and NH4Cl. It is found that the rate of ion-ion exchange is strongly influenced by the presence of these complexing agents, which in turn affects the growth rate of the film. It is further found that NH4Cl is a much better complexing agent than TEA. The resulting film was characterized by AFM (Atomic force microscope), GIXRD (Glancing Incidence X ray diffractometer) and spectrophotometer


CdS, CIGS, Complexing agent

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v2i4.382.g6079


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