Assessment of PV Modules Degradation based on Performances and Visual Inspection in Algerian Sahara

Mohammed Sadok, Boumediene Benyoucef, Miloud Benmedjahed


On-site measurement is a useful mean of diagnostic value and an important key for the assessment of electrical performances and the study of degradation of photovoltaic modules. This paper presents some findings of PV modules behaviour in Adrar (southernmost of Algeria). The study allowed assessing the long-term degradation of modules and detecting possibly defects by visual inspection method. The average annual power degradation rate of PV modules is around 1,5%. Such value tallies with several studies. The visual inspection let us to detect many types of failures in PV modules like delamination, burn marks, cracking but discoloration of encapsulant was the predominant modes of degradation. This study will provide useful information to the manufacturers and owners and helps to better understanding the degradation mechanisms and, therefore, improving the long-term reliability of photovoltaic modules in the Algerian Sahara.


PV module, I-V characteristic, parameter, performance, degradation

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