Reliable Estimation of Density Distribution in Potential Wind Power Sites of Bangladesh

Apratim Roy


This paper proposes techniques to reliably estimate density distribution (DD) of wind power in six test sites of Bangladesh selected by the UN showing potential for harnessing wind energy. Wind power profile rule (with
constant and variable power coefficients) and logarithmic variation of wind shear are applied to seven unique methods used in forecasting airstream energy density achievable in the country at commercial turbine axleheights
(30-120m). The problems related to fixating the power law coefficient in a site against environmental and geographic factors are identified while predicting wind profiles from data measured at low-altitude (~10m).
Relative deviation in density distribution forecasted by the techniques is calculated to identify that among the proposed methods, wind power rule with profile factors varying against altitude produces rates of inconsistency
lower than 3% over a turbine range of 40-90m and results obtained by a logarithmic method stays below 12% in the same range. Projected wind profiles in Bangladesh achieve a maximum power class level of four
and a power density coverage of 30-400 Watt/m2, sufficient for medium scale (above 20kW) grid-supported wind projects. This study intends to evaluate the potential of the concerned country for integrating stand-alone
wind-farms which could boost its struggling rural energy sector.


Density Distribution, Power Profile Rule, Wind Power Coefficient, Logarithmic Wind Profile, Consistency of Prediction.

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