Building Integration Parameters for Photovoltaic Simulation

ilhan GARIP, Hameed Hassan Khalaf, Ahmed Read Al-Tameemi, Ahmed A. Ali, Kadhim A. Jabbar, Ausama A. Almulla, Kadhum Al-Majdi


In this study, a model for monocrystalline photovoltaic systems is calibrated and validated using the computational tool System Advisor Model (SAM) for the simulation of electricity generation, taking into consideration the meteorological characteristics of a city near the equator at high altitude in Turkey (Mount Ararat). The electrical performance is achieved by deploying photovoltaic panels with specific characteristics, such as roofs with local characteristics and different orientations.  The efficiency of a climate file for the year 2023 can be calibrated with meteorological data collected over the course of 18 days.  A photovoltaic system's yields are estimated based on its inclination, orientation, and technical characteristics. There are losses in the plates due to dirt accumulation and temperature increases.  A linear regression analysis is performed to validate the model. The simulated values are compared with data obtained from in situ measurements of a horizontally positioned panel. The results indicate that dirty conditions lead to a 2.78 % efficiency loss, and increased temperatures can result in a 30% efficiency loss. The model's validation showed a coefficient of completion of R2 of 0.987 and RMSE of 8.17 %.  The study also concluded that, due to the particular latitude of the site, the arrangement of photovoltaic panels in any orientation considering low slopes does not significantly reduce the yield in annual electricity generation.

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