An Improved Hybrid Wind Power Plant for Small Power Generation

Nassim Rustamov, Shokhrukh Babakhan, Naci GENC, Oksana Meirbekova


The paper proposes an improved hybrid wind power plant which is more efficient than the classical ones. The proposed hybrid wind turbine was improved by replacing the wind turbine blades with magnetic blades. Apart from the magnetic blades, an induction coil is placed in the back of the blade. There is an air gap with a small distance between the magnetic blades and the placed coil. It is indicated that when the magnetic blades rotate, an induction current is generated on the coil. Interestingly, this creates a magnetic levitation effect that enters the stator cavity under the pressure of the wind flow.  Thus, the magnetic flux penetrated into the stator space reduces the friction of the rotor. The resulting additional electrical energy in the form of an induction current increases the efficiency of the wind turbine. Further, it is argued that if solar panels are attached to the wind turbine masts, it will be possible to obtain an additional direct current. Along with this, the management of such a distributed energy generation system can be optimized by accumulating electrical energy on batteries. Thus, an important engineering task associated with increasing the long-term operation of wind turbines and effectively using the kinetic energy of the wind flow at the wind turbine.


Magnetic blades; Wind power plant; Coil; Hybrid renewable energy; Distributed energy generation

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Publisher: Gazi University

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