Impact study of thermal distillation process on absorption refrigerators

Salek MALAINE, Najib Ababssi, Mohamed Charia, Zine El Abidine Bakher, Jilali Dardouch, Abdellah Boulal


This paper numerically investigates the impact of thermal distillation, as an ammonia purification process, on various components forming the absorption refrigerators using ammonia-water pair as a working fluid. A numerical simulation program built-in FORTRAN language describing the real process of the absorption refrigerators functioning was established. Various physical parameters were examined, namely the mass flow rate of the rich solution evacuated by the absorber, the mass title of the vapor emitted by the boiler, and the variation in the quantities of heat exchanged by each element of the refrigeration installation. The results show a significant improvement in the exergetic performances (about 27.79 %) of the frigorific unit equipped with a distiller when compared to the basic refrigeration machine (20.19 %). It is clearly demonstrated how much the thermal distillation process has been adapted to absorption refrigeration for the production of cold at temperatures below -10 °C. The novelty of this research could motivate engineers and manufacturers to develop and construct modern absorption refrigerators equipped with a thermal distiller mechanism.


Impact study; Thermal distillation; Ammonia purification process; Absorption refrigerator

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