Robust Design of a Novel Solar based Plug-in Electric Vehicle Scheme
Photovoltaic (PV) energy is the most desirable source because of its renewable and environment-friendly nature. This article presents a low-cost model of a solar-powered vehicle based on a Charging Management Controller (CMC). Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is used for energy optimization and extraction of maximum power through the PV system. Furthermore, a DC series motor drive was used due to higher torque-speed characteristics with rheostat as a braking component for controlling the vehicle's speed. Even the AC plug-in socket is mounted to charge the batteries when the sunlight is unavailable. CMC is integrated with PV and AC plug-in to charge the battery bank and control the power transfer maintenance according to load side demand. It also prevents overcharging of batteries to increase their lifespan. The proposed model can satisfy the demand-supply ratio of EV by optimizing PV energy. It provides an economical and viable approach for designing hybrid, plug-in solar-powered electric vehicles.
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