Real-time FPGA based simulator enabled Hardware-In-the-Loop for fuzzy control dual-sources HESS

HATIM JBARI, Rachid Askour, Badr Bououlid Idrissi


In this paper, a Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) platform based real-time simulation, of a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) control is proposed. The energy management strategy (EMS) is developed using a fuzzy logic controller (FLC), designed and evaluated via software simulations, and embedded on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. The HESS is built upon a fully active parallel topology, including a Li-ion battery considered as the primary source, and a supercapacitor (SC) used as the secondary source. The objective of this work is to evaluate initially, the performance of the proposed EMS, secondly, the validation of the FLC-EMS C code, developed and embedded in the NIOS II Core of FPGA’s Altera type. The validation of the developed code is performed by comparing the results obtained via the HIL with those of the software simulation. The HIL simulations of the proposed model and strategy were performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK, under ECE-15 cycle.


Electric vehicle; FPGA; Fuzzy Logic Controller; Hardware-In-the-Loop; Hybrid Energy Storage System.

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