A Simple Hysteresis Control Strategy in Voltage Regulated Three Phase Four Wire System for Photovoltaic Application

Leonardus Heru Pratomo, Sandy Pratama Poetra, Slamet Riyadi


Photovoltaic energy is expected to be the future sustainable source of clean energy. However, photovoltaic energy could only produce DC output that must be converted to AC for three-phase four-wire (3P4W) system implementation. Therefore, a highly efficient DC-AC inverter is required to utilize this photovoltaic energy fully. This study proposes and implements a new simple control strategy into the 3P4W inverter to produce a high-quality output voltage. This topology has three one-phase full-bridge topology inverters connected in parallel and operated in a high-switching frequency system to achieve a suitable output voltage waveform. Therefore, the proposed strategy must support high switching frequency performance and maximize it into a maximum achievable switching capability, namely double band hysteresis with a frequency limiter. The proposed strategy aims to adjust the switching frequency for all components of the 3P4W inverter to achieve its maximum capabilities. Hence, the quality of output voltage generated has high efficiency and sustainably. The resulted output voltage confirmed the combination of the proposed topology and control strategy works well by producing a smooth sinusoidal AC waveform. The performance of the 3P4W inverter is evaluated by using Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Calculation which has a value of 2.68%. Referring to the resulted THD value proves the proposed control strategy operates efficiently and effectively. This study presents a new control strategy to contribute to the modern application of power conversion which focuses on control techniques by using green energy sources and systems in the form of implementing photovoltaic applications


Photovoltaic energy; Three-phase four-wire system; Voltage regulated inverter; Frequency limiter; Double band hysteresis

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i2.12903.g8455


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