A Novel Hybrid High Gain DC-DC converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Power electronics plays a key role in the renewable energy systems as an intermediate stage. To remove the transformer at the AC side, high gain converter is an essential part which helps in boosting up the voltage to higher level. Numerous converters are proposed so far, however it requires more number of components to achieve higher gain. Minimum two switches are required to achieve appropriate gain. In order to overcome this issue, a novel hybrid high gain DC-DC converter with reduced voltage stress is proposed in this ace research. The operational details along with the equivalent circuits under CCM and DCM conditions are described in this paper. The mathematical analysis of the converter is presented and moreover, the comparative performance of the proposed converter with existing converters has been reported. Finally, the simulation and laboratory experimentation were carried out to analyze the performance of the proposed converter respectively.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i1.12554.g8376
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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