Extraction of Maximum Power of Grid Connected PV Systems Using Advanced FLC

Md. Naiem-Ur-Rahman Joy, Dr. Md. Masud Rana, Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman


In this paper, an advanced fuzzy controller is proposed for extracting maximum power from the PV panel both in fixed and changing conditions; changing conditions mean altering of temperature and irradiation level. This controller functions of extracting maximum power by finding the optimal point of the corresponding condition of the PV panel; known as maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The proposed controller is compared with some conventional along with some intelligence controllers such as P&O, INC, existing fuzzy and fuzzy optimized by a combination of PSO (particle swarm optimization). In each case it shows better performance in tracking the magnitude of the power from the PV panel which is up to 99%. Then the power is fed to the grid after extracting power from PV panel and when additionally, power is transferred to the grid, some losses occur as approximately 1.5% of the extracted power from the panel. From the investigation, it has been seen that there’s no undesired spike while tracking power in case of changing conditions. Tracking time is also the fastest when compared with the controllers which is 0.01 second. As the power is transmitted to the grid, THD analysis is also an important consideration and after analysing it, THD level of the grid voltage shows 0.04% after filtering which is very much satisfactory according to the IEEE standard.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i4.12289.g8365


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