Recent Research Trends of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power Electronics

Fujio Kurokawa, Masaharu Tanaka, Yudai Furukawa, Nobumasa Matsui


The artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most significant topics to obtain an optimal solution in various applications. Focusing on the AI applications to the power electronics, this paper presents their tendency and future trend systematically and exhaustively. In the process, IEEE Xplore is chosen for the paper investigation and the result is arranged chronologically. Furthermore, several AI methods which are considerable for the power electronics are explained. Several published papers with respect to AI applications to the power electronics in the renewable energy system are also introduced.


Artificial Intelligence (AI); Convolutional Neural Network (CNN); Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (EMO); IEEE Xplore; Neural Network (NN); Power Electronics; Renewable Energy System

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Publisher: Gazi University

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