Innovative and Simple PV Generator Procedure to Test PV Inverter According to EN50530 Standard Static MPPT Efficiency
This paper details the different steps of an innovative and simple PV generator emulator (PVE) test method used to emulate the PV generator behavior required to carry out EN50530 European standard static MPPT efficiency test for a given PV inverter (PVI). The developed test procedure accurately determines the PVE control parameters using data selected from the datasheet of the PV inverter which is the Equipment Under Test (EUT) and basing on the EN50530 standard requirements. A software implemented under LabVIEW environment allows one to automatically compute the required test parameters, to communicate them to a STM32F4 target in order to accurately control the PVE for a given test scenario and to display the emulated I-V and P-V characteristics. Simulations carried out under the PSIM software demonstrate the accuracy of the suggested test procedure to fulfill the EN50530 requirements. Furthermore, experimental tests, carried out for the case study of a real-world 1100 W PVI, validate the effectiveness of the developed test procedure, and facilitate a new approach to the EN50530 MPPT efficiency test goals.
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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