Design of a Novel Converter Between Li-Ion Battery and Supercapacitor to Feed SAR Loads for Satellite Applications

Gencer Tulay, Ires Iskender


For satellite applications the active duty life of a satellite depends mainly on the battery lifespan. The power converter proposed in this paper will be used to transfer energy from battery to supercapacitor when SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) load is active. Accordingly, the lifespan of battery and hence the lifespan of satellite will be extended.  In this paper a new power converter is proposed to feed SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) loads for satellite applications. The proposed converter has ability to vary the input voltage without any stability problems. The operating performance of the converter that is composed of Weinberg and Buck converters is analyzed using PSpice software and the results of simulations are verified through experiments. It has been demonstrated by realized reliability analysis that the proposed power converter can be used for satellite applications.


Supercapacitor; Weinberg converter; Buck converter; Satellite power subsystem

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