A Novel Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique With Zero Oscillation Based On P&O Algorithm

P. E SARIKA, Josephkutty Jacob, Sheik Mohammed, Shiny Paul


Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is meant for the maximum utilisation of the available power of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) modules under both rapidly varying atmospheric conditions and partially shaded conditions and is an important concern in the efficiency improvement of SPV system. This paper presents a novel hybrid Zero Oscillation  MPPT algorithm for a standalone SPV system with boost converter inorder to mitigate fluctuations in output power owing to variations in operating voltage and current of the PV module which are caused by fast changes in irradiation and temperature. The proposed algorithm is composed of two techniques ie Variable Step Size(VSS) Zero Oscillation (ZO) Perturb & Observe MPPT (P&O) and Look Up Table (LUT) MPPT algorithms. To assess the performance of  the proposed system, a PV system is modeled and simulated in Matlab/Simulink for different atmospheric conditions. The results are compared with VSS Fuzzy and  VSS P&O for uniformly/ non uniformly varying  as well as  Partial Shading condition (PSC) and it is inferred that the hybrid MPPT shows improvement in tracking performance, output power ripple, input current ripple  and power conversion efficiency. Also the implementation of the proposed MPPT is easier and cheaper when compared to other MPPT methods.


Fuzzy Logic Controller; Look-Up Table; Maximum Power Point Tracking; Solar Photovoltaic; Variable Step Size Perturb & Observe; Zero Oscillation

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v10i4.11502.g8096


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