An Experimental Study on the Effect of Particle Morphology, Temperature and Mass Fraction on the Density of Biomass-based Green Nanofluid
A novel class of fluids called nanofluids have been used for several applications among which is applications relating to heat transfer. Studying the thermo-physical properties of nanofluids will go a long way in designing nanofluids that will suit the desired application. In light of this, the present study presents the results obtained from the measurement of density from coconut fibre (CF) nanosphere-based nanofluids and CF nanotube-based nanofluids which were obtained from the dispersion of CF nanospere and CF nanotubes in 60:40 ethylene glycol/water (EG/W) in a ratio of 1:3.5. The temperature range was 15 oC to 60 oC at 15 oC intervals. The results obtained show a decrease in nanofluid density as temperature increased. On the other hand, the effect of nanoparticle morphology on the density of the nanofluids indicate that the nanofluids that contained CF nanotube had a higher density compared to the nanofluid containg CF nanosphere. A maximum density of 27.3% and 26.4% has been observed for CF nanotube-based nanofluid and CF nanosphere-based nanofluid respectively.
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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