PSO supported Dual Matrix Converter for Doubly fed Induction Generated Driven by variable speed wind turbine system
The growth of wind energy conversion technology has become one of the most important and promising sources of renewable energy. The evolution of wind farms is very recognized in this new trend. This paper concentrates mainly on the performance of the variable speed wind turbine system using Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DGIF) controlled by Matrix Converter (MC). The DFIG fed by a MC for the best performance of variable wind energy systems. In this paper the Dual MC Drive system was introduced, one MC is placed to control the DFIG and the other kept to control Induction Motor (IM) load.  The MC is a direct AC-AC converter having so many advantages such as sinusoidal input and output waveforms, absence of reactive elements, controllable input displacement angle, and bidirectional power flow capacity. The classic Direct Torque control (DTC) control technique applied on DFIG for getting fixed output voltage. The simple DTC control implemented for the best performance. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based switching strategy significantly reduces the harmonic content in the MC. In this study, PSO, Mutated PSO (MPSO) techniques were implemented on MC. The proposed test system was discussed and implemented in both software (Matlab/Simulink) and hardware. The DFIG based variable wind energy system with MC and IM controlled MC were implemented in software. With the hardware prototype of the system with IM controlled MC was tested, for the hardware prototype constant wind supply has been assumed. This proposed PSO based switching control strongly recommend for MC fed DFIG performance.
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